Clint LaForest
IMDb profile for Clinton LaForest
May 28, 2024
Swanton veterans organization H.O.O.V.E.S. subject of film
May 28, 2024
Documentary film about local horse therapy program to play in Maumee
May 10, 2024
Firefly Experimentation #0002
The Getting Stable team is thrilled to announce th
A momentus day! I finally attended a brewery on Oh
FINALLY! I tried to find this beer last year. Then
#latergram stopped by @heavybeerco to try out a sa
I go to a taco fest and get smoked pulled pork. I'
Told you I would be back.
Yeah! One award in the bag for @onestoplightproduc
@never_more_04 I suddenly have a craving for stuf
I'm going to go back there someday. – Dave Goetz a
As we prepare for 2023, @filmtoledo is making conn
The next time I hope for something on an Instagram
Goodbye late summer weather. Goodbye festbier seas
Who's going to join me at the FilmToledo event on
We're bringing together local film professionals,
New delivery today! Time to get studying. @cicero
I became involved in @filmtoledo because I share w
I've had enough of today. #retreating #mysafespace
My son is over here destroying the universe. #don
Playing around in After Effects with an image gene
Miles to go. The "glamorous" lifestyle of indepen